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Previous version: v2022.17.0


FOTA panel redirection page in Device Center#

We have added a new FOTA tab in the Device Center. It redirects users to the previous version of the Device Management Center to perform a device Firmware upgrade. The new FOTA view is currently under development.

Device Center FOTA tab

Improvements in Device inventory and Operations center#

We have introduced some enhancements to the Device inventory and Operations center.

  • Now it is the Device inventory that is the default page displayed upon logging in to the platform. The order in the navigation menu has also been changed.
  • In the Operations center, the Alerts tab is now the default view that is displayed.
  • The tables that list devices and alerts have new columns:
    • Device inventory: Status, Bootstrap
    • Operations center Alerts tab: Status, Alert status
    • Operations center Device list tab: Status, Device alert status
  • Sorting has been enabled in the newly added columns.

Device inventory new columns

Bug Fixes#

Fixed Select template button behaviour in Task templates#

In the Task template panel, the Select template button now appears correctly even for long template names. section for description of bug fixes.

Fixed Device registration status action#

We have fixed the behaviour of the Devices registration status action feature so that now the configured action is performed only for the domain it was set up in - no conflict of domains occurs.

Fixed the Leave tag in XML tasks#

We have fixed the behaviour of the leave tag in the XML tasks, so that the device now leaves all the defined subgroups and the task finishes successfully.

Fixed loading page when migrating large numbers of devices between domains#

We have fixed the GUI action of changing the domain for large numbers of devices via the Device inventory. Now the loading page doesn’t freeze while handling bulk migrations.

Fixed no response for 2nd Register Update in some devices#

As a result of failure to persist updated device lifetime, the Server responded with the 4.04 error for the second Register Update in some devices. We have fixed it so that concurrent update handling in the Coiote IoT DM database is avoided.

Last update: November 29, 2024