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Previous version: v2022.19.2


Connect single device to Azure#

We have added an option to connect single devices in Device inventory to the currently integrated Azure service. It is available in the context menu for each created device displayed in the Device inventory table. The operation can only be performed for a device with a configured LwM2M Management server and in the domain that the device belongs to.

Connect to Azure button in DI

Saving filter state of the Device inventory in URL fragment#

In Device inventory, we have introduced saving filter data as state in a URL fragment. This allows saving any filter data e.g. groups, domain, lifecycle status, and search text. When the user saves a filter or types in the search field, the URL fragment is updated. When copying and pasting the URL, the relevant data context will be applied in the filter.

Architectural Changes#

New monitoring endpoints in restAPI#

We have implemented two device monitoring restAPI endpoints:

  • /deviceMonitoring/data/{deviceId}/resourceUrl/{lwm2mUrl} - returns a series of monitoring data from the device's resource identified by its LwM2M URL that were reported between the timeRangeStart and timeRangeEnd.
  • /deviceMonitoring/data/{deviceId}/alias/{alias} - returns a series of monitoring data from the device's resource identified by its alias that were reported between the timeRangeStart and timeRangeEnd.


New methods added to lwM2M context in XML tasks#

Added two methods to lwm2m context in XML tasks:

  • dmPathToLwM2MPath - transforms a dmPath to a lwm2mPath (eg. Device.0.Manufacturer -> /3/0/0)
  • getDataType gets the data type for a given path (eg. Device.0.Manufacturer -> string)

If the specified dmPath is not known, because either: the model is invalid or the path itself is invalid, then the method will return null.

Bug Fixes#

Fixed adding devices to inaccessible group using <join> tag#

We have changed the behavior of the XML task <join> tag so that it is no longer possible to create a group in the wrong domain using the tag.

Fixed values of Connectivity widgets in Device Center Overview tab#

We have fixed the Cell ID, APN, Radio signal strength and Network bearer Connectivity widgets in Device Center so that each displays the relevant values.

Last update: November 29, 2024