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Previous version: v2022.21.6


Added bulk device removal in Device inventory for non-superusers.#

We have added bulk device removal (as a group action) in the Device inventory with a limit of 100 devices for non-superusers who have the ui.deviceInventory.deleteDevice role.

New REST API endpoints for setting observations on device groups#

We have created two new endpoints for setting observations on device groups.

  • /observations/group/resourcePath/{groupId}/{path} creates or updates group observations for a given path.
  • /observations/group/resourceUrl/{groupId}/{url} creates or updates group observations for a given LwM2M URL.

Both endpoints have the createEnsureObserveIfNotExists attribute which determines if the ensureObserve task should be created in case it doesn’t exist.


Removed outdated Azure IoT integration extension#

We have removed the outdated method of connecting the Azure IoT integration which was available as an extension in the Administration -> Extensions view.

Removed Device settings XML panels from default configuration#

We have removed the default XML panels in the Device settings tab of the old DMC:

  • Access Control
  • Connectivity
  • Device
  • Location
  • Servers

Also, the Device settings tab is no longer a default DMC menu tab.

Added possibility to configure Execution logs storage for tasks and task templates#

We have added a new option for tasks and task templates that allows selecting which type of execution logs should be stored, with three options:

  • Store all - default behavior, all logs are generated and stored.
  • Store failed - logs will be generated only if task execution fails.
  • Store none - logs are not generated.

Bug Fixes#

Fixed inability to create an Azure template with custom LwM2M objects in non-root domain#

LwM2M objects created by means of custom object definitions can be now included in Azure integration templates by users in non-root domains.

Fixed static documentation not respecting multitenancy#

We have fixed the behavior of static documentation (i.e. generated via files uploaded in the Resources panel) so that it is only visible for users in relevant domains.

Fixed different results of reading and writing executable resources#

Writing to an executable resource caused the platform to report communication failure. We have aligned this behavior with the results of reading an executable resource, in which case a response with the correct 4.05 MethodNotAllowed error code is returned.

Last update: November 29, 2024