Previous version: v2024.5.0
Support for Notifications after device address change
Introduced a new allowNotificationAddressChange
flag in the LwM2M dialect to support devices that change IP addresses without performing a full registration. This prevents notifications from being rejected while maintaining security with IPsec and CoAP token validation.
Retry action in FOTA campaign device list
Added a retry action button for devices in the FOTA campaign details view. The action allows restarting the FOTA task for a selected device, if its FOTA update has failed. This improvement enhances campaign management by providing an easy way to retry failed updates directly from the device list.
Improved FOTA campaign update information
Added columns for versions before and after update in the Updates Started tab of FOTA campaign details. The target version column in Device Center now also includes a tooltip for multi-component FOTA campaigns.
Double confirmation for self-account deletion
Added a double confirmation panel when deleting the currently logged-in user to prevent accidental account removal. This update includes UI improvements for a clearer and safer account deletion process.
Improved API documentation for XML tasks
Added an API documentation section in the user documentation introducing new API guides: Read Latest Data from a Device and Schedule Deferred Firmware Upgrade. Additionally, enhanced Tasks API documentation in Swagger with more detailed descriptions and examples.
Improved FOTA tab in Device Center
Enhanced the Firmware Update tab in Device Center by adding the latest update status to the summary card and four new columns in the updates table: FOTA error type, Version before update, Target version, and Retries for failed updates. These changes provide clearer insights into update history and status.
Documented common XML task use cases
Introduced how-to-guides on task usage in the user documentation to assist users with common task use cases. The guides include instruction on handling LwM2M notifications with retries, performing advanced JSON operations in device configurations, and forwarding device data in batches.
Target firmware version in FOTA creator
Added an optional Target version input in the Basic FOTA and Basic FOTA configuration creators. The provided expected version is now saved and displayed in the FOTA and FOTA configuration details.
Adjustments to FOTA campaigns list
Updated the FOTA campaigns list view introducing minor error indicators and version details for better clarity.
New info in FOTA campaign sidebar
The FOTA campaign sidebar now displays additional details, including FOTA type, target version, and version before update. If multiple versions are present, a button allows navigation to the information tab. Alerts and highlights indicate whether the target version matches reported FOTA progress statuses.
Bug Fixes#
Fix for task execution failures
Fixed an issue causing failures in certain task executions. The expressions library was updated to the latest version. Additionally, strict validation for task variable names was introduced, with configuration options adjusted to prevent similar issues in the future.
Fixed incorrect FOTA status display
Resolved an issue where in a few corner cases FOTA updates appeared In Progress even after being Canceled due to a timeout. Now, any steps still marked as ongoing during cancellation are correctly updated to Canceled.