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Implementing LwM2M objects on Raspberry Pi#


Svetovid is a LwM2M client that gives you tools to implement selected LwM2M objects for RaspberryPi-based IoT devices using Python programming language. Svetovid is based on a state-of-the-art Anjay LwM2M client developed by AVSystem. It features the FSDM (File System Data Model) in which LwM2M objects are mapped to folders that follow a particular schema, and executables behave as expected by the LwM2M client that loads and manages them.

This tutorial will show you how to implement a temperature LwM2M object on your device and a push button using Svetovid. This will enable live readings of their resources (temperature, push button state and counter) in Coiote IoT DM.


  • Raspberry Pi 3 or 4 with a configured operating system and a set-up WiFi connection.
  • A Sense HAT or a GrovePi with a temperature sensor (DHT11 or similar) and a push button (Grove-button or similar).
  • A user with access to the Coiote IoT Device Management platform.

Step 1: Prepare your Sense HAT/GrovePi#

Sense HAT#

  1. Install the Sense HAT packages: sudo apt-get install sense-hat

  2. Check if Sense HAT is working correctly:

    • Create a file:
      from sense_hat import SenseHat
      sense = SenseHat()
      sense.show_message("Hello World!")
    • Run the program: python

If a Hello World! message is displayed, you're good to proceed.


If you're new to Sense HAT, follow the getting started tutorial.


  1. To install the GrovePi repository, paste and execute the following commands:

        mkdir ~/Dexter
        cd ~/Dexter
        git clone
        cd ~/Dexter/GrovePi/Script
        bash ./
  2. Check if the GrovePi libraries are working correctly:

    • Connect a LED module to GrovePi port D4.
    • In the terminal, type: cd ~/Dexter/GrovePi/Software/Python && python
    • The LED should start blinking.

Step 2: Install Svetovid#

  1. To install Svetovid, paste and execute the following commands into your command-line terminal:

        mkdir ~/AVSystem
        cd ~/AVSystem
        git clone
        cd Svetovid-raspberry-client
        sudo dpkg -i svetovid_20.11-raspberry_armhf.deb
        sudo dpkg -i svetovid-plugin-fsdm_20.11-raspberry_armhf.deb
        sudo dpkg -i avsystem_svetovid-20.11-raspberry-Linux-fsdmtool-runtime-python.deb
  2. In file /usr/local/share/svetovid/bin/fsdm/, find the entry and replace it with

Step 3: Register your device in Coiote IoT DM#

  1. Disable the Svetovid service:

    sudo systemctl disable svetovid.service --now

  2. Set the server connection details:

    • in /etc/svetovid/config/security.json:

                  "ssid": "1",
                  "server_uri": "coaps://",
                  "is_bootstrap": "0",
                  "security_mode": "psk",
                  "pubkey_or_identity_hex": "XXXX",
                  "privkey_or_psk_hex": "XXXX",
                  "server_pubkey_hex": "",
                  "holdoff_s": "0",
                  "bs_timeout_s": "0"

    • in /etc/svetovid/config/svd.json:

              "device": {
                  "endpoint_name": "YYYY",
                  "udp_listen_port": 1234
              "logging": {
                  "default_log_level": "trace",
                  "log_level": {
                      "svd": "trace"
              "lwm2m_version_config": {
                  "min": "1.0",
                  "max": "1.1"
              "in_buffer_size_b": 1024,
              "out_buffer_size_b": 1024,
              "msg_cache_size_b": 65536


    XXXX and YYYY should be replaced by the chosen values of endpoint name, PSK identity and PSK key.


    XXXX values are in hex. To convert your plain text, use the following: echo -n '<your-text-value>' | xxd -p

  3. Restart the Svetovid service:

    sudo systemctl start svetovid.service --now

Step 4: Connecting to the LwM2M Server#

To connect to Coiote IoT Device Management platform, please register at

To connect the board:

  1. Log in to Coiote IoT DM and from the left side menu, select Device Inventory.
  2. In Device Inventory, click Add device.
  3. Select the Connect your LwM2M device directly via the Management server tile. Add via Mgmt

    1. In the Device credentials step:

      • In the Device ID enter your board endpoint name, e.g. raspberry_pi_test. Device credentials step
      • In the Security mode section, select the security mode you've choosen in Compile the application step:


        If you choose Pre-Shared Key mode then type:

        • In the Key identity field, the same name as in the Endpoint name field.
        • In the Key field, the shared secret used in the device-server authentication.
    2. Click the Add device button and Confirm in the confirmation pop-up.

  4. Analyze the objects exposed by the device. Device objects


Your RaspberryPi-based device will feature a number of default LwM2M objects provided by Svetovid, for instance the Light Control /3311.

Step 5: Implement the LwM2M temperature object /3303 (only for GrovePi)#

  1. Disable the Svetovid service:

    sudo systemctl disable svetovid.service --now

  2. Generate a stub object in your dm (data model) Svetovid folder by pasting and executing the following command in the terminal: $ sudo svetovid-fsdmtool generate --object 3303 --output-dir /etc/svetovid/dm --generator python


    You can analyze the resource implementation in the /etc/svetovid/dm/3303 folder. For more details, see the Svetovid page on GitHub.

  3. Modify the python script in the /etc/svetovid/dm/3303/ file. Open the file, replace the contents with the following script and click Save:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
    from fsdm import ResourceHandler, CoapError, DataType, KvStore
    import grovepi
    import math
    # Connect the Grove Temperature & Humidity Sensor Pro to digital port D4
    # This example uses the blue colored sensor.
    sensor = 4  # The Sensor goes on digital port 4.
    # temp_humidity_sensor_type
    # Grove Base Kit comes with the blue sensor.
    blue = 0    # The Blue colored sensor.
    white = 1   # The White colored sensor.
    class ResourceHandler_3303_5700(ResourceHandler):
        NAME = "Sensor Value"
        DESCRIPTION = '''\
    Last or Current Measured Value from the Sensor.'''
        DATATYPE = DataType.FLOAT
        EXTERNAL_NOTIFY = False
        def read(self,
                 instance_id,            # int
                 resource_instance_id):  # int for multiple resources, None otherwise
            # TODO: print value to stdout
            # print(0.0)
            [temp,humidity] = grovepi.dht(sensor,blue)
    if __name__ == '__main__':

  4. Modify the python script in the /etc/svetovid/dm/3303/resources/ file. Open the file, replace the contents with the following script and click Save:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
    from fsdm import ResourceHandler, CoapError, DataType, KvStore
    import grovepi
    import math
    # Connect the Grove Temperature & Humidity Sensor Pro to digital port D4
    # This example uses the blue colored sensor.
    sensor = 4  # The Sensor goes on digital port 4.
    # temp_humidity_sensor_type
    # Grove Base Kit comes with the blue sensor.
    blue = 0    # The Blue colored sensor.
    white = 1   # The White colored sensor.
    class ResourceHandler_3303_5700(ResourceHandler):
        NAME = "Sensor Value"
        DESCRIPTION = '''\
    Last or Current Measured Value from the Sensor.'''
        DATATYPE = DataType.FLOAT
        EXTERNAL_NOTIFY = False
        def read(self,
                 instance_id,            # int
                 resource_instance_id):  # int for multiple resources, None otherwise
            # TODO: print value to stdout
            # print(0.0)
            [temp,humidity] = grovepi.dht(sensor,blue)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
  5. Plug in the temperature sensor to digital port D4 of the GrovePi.

  6. Restart the Svetovid service:

    sudo systemctl restart svetovid.service --now

  7. Refresh device state in Coiote IoT DM and see if the Temperature object /3303 has appeared in the Objects tab and values are reported for the Sensor Value 5700 resource:

Temperature object

Step 6: Implement the LwM2M push button based on the Multiple Axis Joystick object /3345#

Now you can implement the Push Button module based on the OMA DM Multiple Axis Joystick object /3345.

  1. Type in the terminal:

    $ sudo svetovid-fsdmtool generate --object 3345 --output-dir /etc/svetovid/dm --generator python


    You can analyze the resource implementation in the /etc/svetovid/dm/3345 folder. For more details, see the Svetovid page on GitHub.

  2. Type in the terminal: cd /etc/svetovid/dm/3345/resources && ./5550 read. You should be able to see a default value reported in the command-line terminal.

  3. In home directory, create the file ~/ and paste the following into it:

      from sense_hat import SenseHat
      from time import sleep
      from fsdm import KvStore
      sense = SenseHat()
      #KvStore(namespace=3345).set('counter', 0)
      #KvStore(namespace=3345).set('state', False)
      released_before = False
      counter = 0
      while True:
        for event in sense.stick.get_events():
        if event.action == "pressed":
            if event.direction == "middle":
            KvStore(namespace=3345).set('state', True)
            if released_before:
                counter = counter + 1
                KvStore(namespace=3345).set('counter', counter)
            released_before = False
        elif event.action == "released":
            if event.direction == "middle":
            KvStore(namespace=3345).set('state', False)
            released_before = True
        # Wait and clear the screen
      from time import sleep
      import grovepi
      from fsdm import KvStore
      button = 3
      KvStore(namespace=3345).set('counter', 0)
      KvStore(namespace=3345).set('state', False)
      released_before = False
      counter = 0
      grovepi.pinMode(button, "INPUT")
      while True:
              state = grovepi.digitalRead(button)
              KvStore(namespace=3345).set('state', True)
              if state == 1:
                  if released_before:
                      counter = counter + 1
                      KvStore(namespace=3345).set('counter', counter+1)
                      released_before = False
                  KvStore(namespace=3345).set('state', True)
                  released_before = True
                  KvStore(namespace=3345).set('state', False)
          except IOError:
  4. Modify the python script in the /etc/svetovid/dm/3345/ file. Open the file, replace the contents with the following script and click Save:

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
    from fsdm import ResourceHandler, CoapError, DataType, KvStore
    class ResourceHandler_3345_5501(ResourceHandler):
        NAME = "Digital Input Counter"
        DESCRIPTION = '''\
    The cumulative value of active state detected.'''
        DATATYPE = DataType.INTEGER
        EXTERNAL_NOTIFY = False
        def read(self,
                 instance_id,            # int
                 resource_instance_id):  # int for multiple resources, None otherwise
            value = KvStore(namespace=3345).get('counter')
            if value is None:
                # The value was not set, so it's not found.
                # raise CoapError.NOT_FOUND
                value = 0
      # TODO: print value to stdout
            # print(0)
    if __name__ == '__main__':

  5. Modify the python script in the /etc/svetovid/dm/3345/ file. Open the file, replace the contents with the following script and click Save:
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
    from fsdm import ResourceHandler, CoapError, DataType, KvStore
    class ResourceHandler_3345_5500(ResourceHandler):
        NAME = "Digital Input State"
        DESCRIPTION = '''\
    The current state of a digital input.'''
        DATATYPE = DataType.BOOLEAN
        EXTERNAL_NOTIFY = False
        def read(self,
                 instance_id,            # int
                 resource_instance_id):  # int for multiple resources, None otherwise
      state = KvStore(namespace=3345).get('state')
            if state is None:
                # The value was not set, so it's not found.
                raise CoapError.NOT_FOUND
                #state = False
            # TODO: print value to stdout
    if __name__ == '__main__':
  6. Modify the /etc/svetovid/dm/3345/resources/5500 file:
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
    from fsdm import ResourceHandler, CoapError, DataType, KvStore
    class ResourceHandler_3345_5500(ResourceHandler):
        NAME = "Digital Input State"
        DESCRIPTION = '''\
    The current state of a digital input.'''
        DATATYPE = DataType.BOOLEAN
        EXTERNAL_NOTIFY = False
        def read(self,
                 instance_id,            # int
                 resource_instance_id):  # int for multiple resources, None otherwise
      state = KvStore(namespace=3345).get('state')
            if state is None:
                # The value was not set, so it's not found.
                raise CoapError.NOT_FOUND
                #state = False
            # TODO: print value to stdout
    if __name__ == '__main__':
  7. Modify the /etc/svetovid/dm/3345/resources/5501 file:
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
    from fsdm import ResourceHandler, CoapError, DataType, KvStore
    class ResourceHandler_3345_5501(ResourceHandler):
        NAME = "Digital Input Counter"
        DESCRIPTION = '''\
    The cumulative value of active state detected.'''
        DATATYPE = DataType.INTEGER
        EXTERNAL_NOTIFY = False
        def read(self,
                 instance_id,            # int
                 resource_instance_id):  # int for multiple resources, None otherwise
            value = KvStore(namespace=3345).get('counter')
            if value is None:
                # The value was not set, so it's not found.
                # raise CoapError.NOT_FOUND
                value = 0
      # TODO: print value to stdout
            # print(0)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
  8. Plug in the push button to digital port D3 of the GrovePi/Sense HAT.
  9. Restart Svetovid: sudo systemctl restart svetovid.service --now
  10. Refresh device state in Coiote IoT DM and see if the Multiple Axis Joystick object /3345 has appeared in the Objects tab and values are reported for the Digital Input State 5500 and Digital Input Counter 5501 resources:

    Joystick button object

Last update: October 23, 2023