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Coiote IoT Device Management platform#

Coiote IoT Device Management platform allows you to manage your LwM2M devices throughout their entire lifecycle. Coiote IoT DM supports device onboarding, data management, data visualization, automated tests, firmware updates, monitoring & alerting and cloud integrations.

Visit Coiote IoT DM

Sign up free of charge

Get started by signing up to Coiote IoT Device Management platform. You can sign up for a developer account which allows you to connect up to 10 devices free of charge.

Coiote login page

Device inventory#

Once logged in, you enter the Device inventory which provides an overview of all registered LwM2M devices. After selecting one of your devices, you enter the Device center which allows you to monitor and manage single devices.

In the Device center you can:

  • Alter device configurations
  • Set observations
  • Schedule firmware updates

Learn more about the Device center.

Access DC from Device inventory


The Dashboard is composed of widgets which display telemetry data. Widgets use different kinds of charts depending on the type of data collected. Go to the Device center to configure widgets.

Learn more about Data visualization.

Operations center#

Use the Operations center to easily monitor your devices. It provides a clear overview of alerts, which highlight the devices requiring immediate attention.

Operations Center

Device groups*#


Features marked with an "*" are only included in the premium version of Coiote IoT DM.

Devices can be added to Groups allowing for easy management of your device fleet. Instead of managing devices one by one, configurations and firmware can be updated for a group of devices with a single click.


Initiate integrations with popular cloud platforms such as Azure IoT Hub, AWS IoT Core or nRF Cloud.

Learn more about Cloud integrations.

Data Integrations

Device test repository*#

Test the performance of your device firmware by mimicking real-world scenarios. Device tests allow you to validate new application firmware, to test the implementation of the LwM2M standard, and to run regression tests to ensure new firmware doesn’t break existing functionality.

Learn more about Device tests.

Device test

Monitoring & Reporting*#

The Monitoring module is responsible for collecting historical data about device states which can be aggregated and downloaded using the Reporting feature.


Manage additional settings in the administration section, such as Billing, User management and Domain management.

Last update: May 14, 2024