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Synchronize devices with Azure IoT Central#

Importing devices to Coiote IoT DM and synchronizing them with Azure IoT Central is a quick way to start using your Coiote IoT DM - Azure IoT Central integration. The import operation will do two basic operations automatically:

  • Create device entities in Coiote IoT DM with the credentials that you specified,
  • create the devices' "counterparts" within Azure IoT Central and synchronize them with Coiote IoT DM.


Synchronize devices with Azure IoT Hub (option 1)#

When a device is already added to Coiote IoT DM's Device inventory, you can simply synchronize the specifc device by clicking the three dots and select Connect to Azure.


Import devices from CSV using a default integration template (option 2)#

In the import process, you will need a list of devices that you want to import along with an integration template to be used by Azure IoT Central. To learn more about Azure integration templates, see the Configure integration templates section.

  1. In Coiote IoT DM, go to Administration -> Hyperscaler Integration Center.
  2. Make sure you have an integration connected in the Integration tab.
  3. Go to the Device list tab and click Import devices.
  4. In the Import devices wizard:
    • From the Select template field, select one of two default integration templates:
      • Default minimal LwM2M schema - a pre-defined template implementing a basic device data model.
      • Default rich LwM2M schema - a pre-defined template implementing an extended device data model.


    Integration templates are crucial in the device import process. Optionally, you can create your custom device template and use it in importing. Check the instructions in the Configure integration templates section.

    • In the Import devices from a CSV file section: Importing devices
      • If you already have a CSV file with devices for import, click Browse and select the file.
      • If you don't have a CSV with devices for import yet, click the device template link to download an empty template that you can fill in with your data:
        • EndpointName - provide endpoint name of your device.
        • PSK_Identity_Key - provide a unique plain-text PSK identity key used for secure communication between the device and Coiote IoT DM.
        • PSK_Key - provide a unique HEX-encoded PSK key used for secure communication between the device and Coiote IoT DM.
        • Save the template and upload it using the Browse button and dialog window.
    • Click Sync with Azure.
  5. After a moment, the import operation should finish successfully. Synchronization successful
  6. Now you can connect your physical devices to Coiote IoT DM using their credentials and the dedicated URL displayed after the successful device import.

What the import operation does#

Once the devices from the CSV template are imported into Coiote IoT DM, the following actions are performed:

  • In Coiote IoT DM, device entities are created based on the credentials provided in the template. All such entities are visible in the Device list tab:
  • In Coiote IoT DM, a dedicated integration group is automatically created (with name built up by the hyperscalercenter prefix and the template ID, e.g. 618238c8bcafcb43b2911261).
  • In your Azure IoT Central, devices are created and ready for operation.

Check device error logs#

Logs may come helpful for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues with the communication between the three actors in the integration: the device, Coiote IoT DM, and Azure IoT Central.

To see logs for your integrated devices:

  1. Go to the single device view and from the left menu, select the Logs tile.
  2. In the Logs panel, expand the view by clicking on More and configure the following:
    • Store from level - select Use custom and set log level to DEBUG for 1 hour.
    • Tags - select HYPERSCALERS

Integration logs

The communication logs will be displayed, allowing you to check, diagnose, or debug any issues.

Last update: May 14, 2024