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Automated Provisioning for Nordic boards#


With Factory provisioning for Nordic IoT devices, you can load on-device communication credentials and any cloud-related configuration at the factory level to automate secure device onboarding to Coiote IoT DM cloud.

Here’s a tutorial to get you started with device provisioning using a dedicated script to be found in the Anjay Zephyr Client repository.



Please verify if the directory to which you installed Go is in your PATH variable. If it's missing please add it.

Provision the device using PSK#

This section shows how to provision your device using a pre-shared key (PSK).

  1. Prepare configuration:

    Before running the script some configuration should be set. Example configuration can be found in Anjay-zephyr-client/tools/provisioning-tool/configs directory.

    • Edit endpoint_cfg contains LwM2M objects setting that will be uploaded to the device. Set RID.Security.PKOrIdentity and RID.Security.SecretKey. Make sure that RID.Security.Mode is set to 0.

    • Edit lwm2m_server.json modify domain entry to reflect your domain in Coiote IoT DM server. This file is needed if you wish the script to automatically add the new device to Coiote IoT DM.

  2. Get the Coiote IoT DM Access Token

    The provisioning script can register your device to Coiote IoT DM automatically. You might use this option for the sake of this tutorial, but this is an optional step.


    If you wish to skip device registration to Coiote IoT DM, then call without -t and -S options.

    First an access token needs to be generated.

    • Create file:
      echo "Enter your login credentials for $SERVER"
      read -p "Login: " USER
      read -p "Password: " -s PASS
      curl -X POST \
         -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
         --data-urlencode "grant_type=password" \
         --data-urlencode "username=$USER" \
         --data-urlencode "password=$PASS" \
    • If you're using Linux, run chmod u+x to give execute rights. Under Windows you can use the GUI to allow execution of this file.

    • Run ./ The script will ask you for your login and password for, please provide them.

    If a JSON structure containing "access_token" appears, you're ready to proceed. Copy your token.


    The token received is valid only for a short period of time.

    For more informaton how to aquire the access token see REST API authentication.

  3. Run provisioning tool


    After creating the correct configuration for provisioning make sure that west configuration is correct and the manifest.path is set to an absolute path.


    cd Anjay-zephyr-client/demo
    ./../tools/provisioning-tool/ -b nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns -s <SERIAL> \
        -c ../tools/provisioning-tool/configs/endpoint_cfg -t <TOKEN> \
        -S ../tools/provisioning-tool/configs/lwm2m_server.json \


    <SERIAL> should be the USB serial number of the connected board. You can check the serial number of your board by running: nrfjprog -i. The <TOKEN> should be the token acquired in previous step.


    To see all of the options available in the script run ./ -h.

    If everything went well then your device should be visible in Coiote IoT DM.

Provisioning the device using certificates#

Now we will show how to provision the device using certificates. This method is very similar to the provisioning the device with PSK and will require just a few additional steps.


You may need to remove the device from Coiote IoT DM if you finished the steps in previous section and the device is already registered. Coiote IoT DM will not allow registration of the device with the same name.

  1. Prepare configuration

    Like in the PSK example we will modify the configuration found in Anjay-zephyr-client/tools/provisioning-tool/configs directory.


    In this step we will use endpoint_cfg_cert configuration file instead of endpoint_cfg. You may verify that the RID.Security.Mode is set to 2 in this configuration.

    • Edit lwm2m_server.json modify domain entry to reflect your domain in Coiote IoT DM server.

    • Edit cert_info.json. This file contains information for generating a self signed certificate. This configuration is needed only if user don't want to provide certificates generated ealier.

    • Get the certificate for Run:

      openssl s_client -showcerts > /tmp/server.pem to download server certificate and then

      openssl x509 -outform der -in /tmp/server.pem -out /tmp/server.der to convert it to DER format.


    The above two commands assumes you use a Linux OS and writes the certificate in the /tmp directory. If using Windows modify the commands by changing "/tmp" with some other valid directory.

  2. Getting Coiote IoT DM Access Token

    Repeat this step from previous section to acquire a new token.

  3. Run provisioning tool

    Similar to the example with PSK run:

    cd Anjay-zephyr-client/demo
    ./../tools/provisioning-tool/ -b nrf9160dk_nrf9160_ns -s <SERIAL> \
        -c ../tools/provisioning-tool/configs/endpoint_cfg_cert -t <TOKEN> \
        -S ../tools/provisioning-tool/configs/lwm2m_server.json \
        -C ../tools/provisioning-tool/configs/cert_info.json -p /tmp/server.der


    If you prefer using your own certificates then letting the script create a self signed cert then you can use option -k for providing endpoint private key -r to provide endpoint public cert. Also please remove option -C while running


    Parameters -p, -k and -r should use absoute paths.


    By default the script generates certificates for the device using P-384 elliptic curve.

  4. Connect device to Coiote IoT DM

    The certificates for the device need to be uploaded by hand. To do this fallow those steps:

    • Log in Coiote IoT DM

    • On the left side choose Administration -> DTLS/TLS certificates

    • Click Add File, in a popup window enter a name and upload the public certificate. The self signed certificate generated by the script should be in Anjay-zephyr-client/demo/cert directory.

    If everyting went well you should see your new certificate and the device should be ready to connect to Coiote IoT DM.

Last update: March 13, 2024